For the 2016/17 season, the NHL trade deadline is March 1st. What does that mean to us? Absolutely nothing.
For those of you who haven’t heard, there has been a delay in receiving this year’s jerseys. Unfortunately, we were notified last week that the shipping company had lost our jerseys in transit. It is believed that they were mistaken for a shipment of Tom Brady’s jerseys which also seems to be disappearing these days. Thankfully, our vendor has worked out an arrangement with a local print shop who will be reprinting the jerseys, but unfortunately this means another 2-3 weeks before they are ready.
While we normally try to wait until at least mid-season to make changes to team lineups, we decided to take this jersey fiasco and follow the directions of Queen B to make it into some lemonade. So with all the (sort of) topical headlines used up, we have some trades to announce. #1 – Moving from Stark Industries is Stan Koudlai who will be heading to the Heralds of Galactus for Anthony Thomas. #2 – Green Lantern and War Zone will be switching goalies with Corey Whalen moving to War Zone for Michael Yu. #3 – Lastly, Speed Force had a player who could no longer commit to his team, so he will be replaced by David Steinfeld who came in as a replacement player last week and seemed to gel well with the group.
Thank you everyone for continuing to make us the best league in the GTA and a huge Thank You to all the traded players. We know how hard/weird it is to be traded and we do not make these trades without much consideration and many lengthy discussions. See you all Sunday.